蛍光セキュリティ顔料  -- セキュリティ印刷用, 不可視インク, 印刷用インク, 蛍光顔料, 蛍光ピグメント --

蛍光セキュリティ顔料  -- セキュリティ印刷用, 不可視インク, 印刷用インク, 蛍光顔料, 蛍光ピグメント --

自然光下ではほぼ無色,紫外光励起で発色,紙幣,有価証券,乗車券などの真贋判別,ブランド保護,不可視インク,不可視バーコード,不可視シリアルナンバー,UV Fluorescent Pigments

※ 仕様・納期・価格等については弊社までお問い合わせください。

お問い合わせメールフォーム (ここをクリックしてください)

※ また, このHPに紹介されている製品以外で取り扱い可能な製品もございます。詳細は弊社までお問い合わせください。仕様は予告なく変更される場合があります。



UV Fluorescent Pigments


蛍光セキュリティ材料は, 自然光下では蛍光を発せず, UV-A, UV-BまたはUV-C領域の非可視光により励起され, 可視光(蛍光)を発します。
Luminochem社の特殊発光製品は, 蛍光効果を簡単に実装でき, 優れた発光強度を備え, 濃青色(藍色, 紺色)から深紅(真紅, 暗紅色, 深緋)までの色を表示します。
Fluorescent security materials can be excited by non-visible light in the UV‑A, UV‑B or UV‑C region and emit visible light, while showing no color in daylight. Luminochem’s special luminescent products have an easy to implement fluorescent effect with excellent emission intensity, displaying colors from ice blue to deep red.





紫外線蛍光セキュリティ顔料 製品一覧, UV Fluorescent Pigments


LUWH1 仕様へ移動

LUPA1 仕様へ移動

LUHK2 仕様へ移動

LURK1 仕様へ移動

LURK14 仕様へ移動

LUGB 仕様へ移動

LUCG2 仕様へ移動

LUPCS 仕様へ移動

LUPCZ2 仕様へ移動

LUPCZ 仕様へ移動

LUABS1 仕様へ移動

LUEG 仕様へ移動

LUTZ1 仕様へ移動

LUCYG 仕様へ移動

LUNSAB2 仕様へ移動

LUYG1 仕様に移動

LURZ4 仕様へ移動

LUWY4 仕様へ移動

LUWY1/A 仕様へ移動

LUABU1 仕様へ移動

LUNAR2 仕様へ移動

LUSI05 仕様へ移動

LUNAR1 仕様へ移動

LURED19 仕様へ移動

LLUREDBN11 仕様へ移動

LURED20 仕様へ移動

LUREDBN2 仕様へ移動


LUREDP8 仕様へ移動

LUCR 仕様へ移動

LUTTIS3 仕様へ移動

LUREDCP2 仕様へ移動

REDBNS1 仕様へ移動


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Particle size, D90 (μm):  max. 4 μm Optimal Excitation:  UV-A
Chemical fastness:  4.4 Thermal stability up to (°C):  200
Light fastness   2
Daylight color   White UV color Brightwhite UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  max. 2 μm Optimal Excitation:  UV-A
Delivery form:  Powder Thermal stability up to (°C):  250
Light fastness    1
Daylight color    White UV color  Purple UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 3 μm Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness4.9 Thermal stability up to (°C): 310
Light fastness  2
Daylight color White UV color   Blue UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  ≤ 35 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness:  4.9 Thermal stability up to (°C): 196
Light fastness  2
Daylight color  Light yellow UV color  Blue UV-A


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Particle size, D90 (μm):  max. 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness:  3.2 Thermal stability up to (°C): 300
Light fastness  2
Daylight color  Light yellow UV color  Blue UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.2 Thermal stability up to (°C): 200
Light fastness  2
Daylight color   White UV color   Blue UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 5 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.3 Thermal stability up to (°C): 100
Light fastness  5
Daylight color light yellow UV color   green-blue UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness3.8 Thermal stability up to (°C): 250
Light fastness  4
Daylight color   Pale yellow UV color  Green UV-A


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Particle size, D90 (μm): ≤ 2 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.4 Thermal stability up to (°C): N/A
Light fastness:  4-5

Visual effect:
  UV-A (365 nm) --> (520 nm)

Daylight color   White UV color    Green-yellow





Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.2 Thermal stability up to (°C): 230
Light fastness  5
Daylight color   White UV color    Green UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 2 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.2 Thermal stability up to (°C): 300
Light fastness    5
Daylight color  White UV color    Green UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 3.2 Thermal stability up to (°C): 160
Light fastness   5
Daylight color  White UV color    Green UV-A


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Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 2 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 3.8 Thermal stability up to (°C): 190
Light fastness    4
Daylight color  White UV color  Green UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): max. 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 3.9 Thermal stability up to (°C): 230
Light fastness    3
Daylight color  White UV color    Green-yellow UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 3.3 Thermal stability up to (°C): 190
Light fastness   4
Daylight color  White UV color    Yellow-green UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):   2 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 3.2 Thermal stability up to (°C): 190
Light fastness  4
Daylight color  White UV color    Yellow-green UV-A


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Particle size, D90 (μm):  0.8-1.6 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 3.2 Thermal stability up to (°C): 190
Daylight color  White UV color    yellowish green UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness:  2.9 Thermal stability up to (°C):  150
Light fastness   3
Daylight color  White UV color     Green-yellow UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.9 Thermal stability up to (°C): 270
Light fastness   4
Daylight color  White UV color    Yellow UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): 2.5 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.8 Thermal stability up to (°C): 290
Light fastness   4
Daylight color  White UV color    Yellow UV-A


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Particle size, D90 (μm): 2 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.3 Thermal stability up to (°C): 210
Light fastness  4
Daylight color  White UV color    Yellow-orange UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.9 Thermal stability up to (°C): 150
Light fastness  4
Daylight color  White UV color    Yellow-orange UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): 4 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.2 Thermal stability up to (°C): 185
Light fastness  4
Daylight color  White UV color   Orange UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): 4 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.7 Thermal stability up to (°C): 248
Light fastness  4
Daylight color  White UV color    Orange UV-A


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Particle size, D90 (μm): 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.4 Thermal stability up to (°C): 220
Light fastness  4
Daylight color  White UV color    Orange-red UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm): 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4 Thermal stability up to (°C): 240
Light fastness   5
Daylight color  White UV color    Red UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  2 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 4.7 Thermal stability up to (°C):  220
Light fastness    3
Daylight color  White

UV color    Red UV-A







Particle size, D90 (μm): 3 Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness: 3.7 Thermal stability up to (°C): 145
Light fastness   2
Daylight color  White UV color    Red UV-A


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Particle size, D90 (μm):  3 Optimal Excitation:  UV-A
Chemical fastness:  4.3 Thermal stability up to (°C): 160
Light fastness    1
Daylight color  White UV color   Red UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  Optimal Excitation: UV-A
Chemical fastness:  N/A Thermal stability up to (°C): 282
Light fastness  1
Daylight color  White UV color     Red UV-A





Particle size, D90 (μm):  3 Optimal Excitation: UV-C
Chemical fastness: 3.6 Thermal stability up to (°C):  410
Light fastness     5
Daylight color  White UV color    Green-yellow UV-C





Particle size, D90 (μm):  4 Optimal Excitation: UV-C
Chemical fastness:  2.8 Thermal stability up to (°C):  110
Light fastness  5
Daylight color  White UV color    Red UV-C





Particle size, D90 (μm): 

Optimal Excitation:  UV-B, UV-C

Chemical fastness:  

Thermal stability up to (°C): 

Light fastness  7
Daylight color  White

UV color 
Red UV-B,  UV-C

LUREDBNS1 は, UVB(303nm)および UVC(254nm)を励起光として, 鮮やかな赤色の蛍光を発色します。UVA(365nm)には反応しないため, 安全性を高めた特殊な用途に最適です。

LUREDBNS1 is a special pigment in our portfolio that stands out due to its unique fluorescence characteristics. LUREDBNS1 is specifically designed to be UVB (303 nm) and UVC (254 nm) excitable, delivering a vibrant red fluorescence. Remarkably, it remains absolutely dull under UVA (365 nm), making it an ideal choice for secure and specialized applications.


励起光はUVBおよびUVC: LUREDBNS1 は, UVBを励起光とするため, プラスチック カードやラミネート製品に適しています。UVAの下では不発光: LUREDBNS1 は, UVB 光でのみ蛍光を発します。秘匿性を有する印刷のセキュリティ高めます。

強い赤色蛍光を発色: UVBの下で鮮やかな蛍光を視認できます。
UVB and UVC Excitability: LUREDBNS1 can be efficiently excited in the UVB range, making it perfect for use on plastic cards and laminated products.
Invisible Under UVA: Fluorescence can only be revealed using UVB light, providing an added layer of security for hidden prints.
Strong Red Fluorescence: The resulting image is bright and eye-catching, ensuring clear visibility under UVB illumination.


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※ 仕様・納期・価格等については弊社までお問い合わせください。

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※ また, このHPに紹介されている製品以外で取り扱い可能な製品もございます。詳細は弊社までお問い合わせください。仕様は予告なく変更される場合があります。